Indian Space Programme is witnessing a phenomenal growth in the fields of telecommunication, navigation, meteorology, earth observation, GIS, etc. As a result, the number of missions especially in the current 12th five year plan
have gone up. Towards achieving shorter turnaround time for realising these missions, ISRO has been encouraging wider participation of the industries through technology transfer, technology utilisation and industry cooperation for
productionisation and commercialisation.
This has started giving rich benefits to ISRO and industry, in terms of knowledge sharing, technology development, infrastructure sharing etc. Now industry is significantly contributing in all the spheres of space endeavours of ISRO.
More than 500 small, medium and large scale industries are associated with Department of Space in developing various subsystems for Indian space programme.
In line with the ISRO's policy of maximal utilisation of industry capability, SAC has always nurtured indian industry to take up development, fabrication, testing, qualification, delivery of systems, hardware, software for space as
well as ground use. SAC has always supported industry with necessary consultancy, training and infrastructure to carry out these activities. Industries from different parts of the country, specialising in varying fields such as
mechanical, optics and electro-optics, RF systems, digital systems, antennas, scientific software, image processing, data interpretation have contributed to SAC programmes and projects.
It is in this context that SAC welcomes all interested organisations to come forward and associate themselves with prestigious Indian Space Program. Various business opportunities are available in the areas of outsourcing, design and
development of systems, indigenisation, technology transfer and consultancy. SAC is willing to provide necessary technical support to the interested in attaining the domain knowledge.