 Supported Areas of Research

Research proposals are Supported by ISRO in the areas of Space Science,Space technology and Space Applications which are of relevance to ISRO.

A "Research Areas @ SAC - 2023 "- A document of Research Areas for soliciting proposals from STCs & RAC-S.

Research Areas in SAC is a comprehensive document highlighting SAC-ISRO's major programmes, current and upcoming R&D requirements of SAC-ISRO. This document will exclusively cater to the advanced research requirements of SAC-ISRO wherein Space Technology Cells (STCs) and Regional Academic Centre for Space (RAC-S) established at various IITs/NITs and premier institutes across the country can select and generate R&D proposals. The faculty of these institutes are encouraged to submit their project proposals in these diverse research areas.

The concerned ISRO/DOS centre interested in the research topic is given in brackets after the areas/sub areas/problems.

The proposals may be submitted by the faculty of STC and RAC-S institutions based on the call for proposals by the respective institutes.

The evaluation reports of the proposals received from the ISRO/DOS centres will be further reviewed by the Joint Policy Committee (JPC) of STC and Joint Policy Management Council (JPMC) of RAC-S before its recommendation for funding support.

One hard copy and a soft copy of the proposal shall be submitted to the respective STCs/ RAC-S.

Conveners of STC/RAC-S shall submit a hard copy and a soft copy of the proposal to the respective ISRO/DOS centre.

B. "RESPOND Basket @ SAC - 2024 " comprises a set of most urgent and immediate research areas for the academia to select and prepare detailed proposals under RESPOND programme

RESPOND BASKET comprises of the most urgent and important research problems identified by ISRO/DOS Centre / Units on the basis of ISRO's upcoming programmatic R&D requirements. Each research problem comprises of a brief write-up about the topic for the faculty of the academic Institutions/R&D laboratories other than the Space Technology Cells (STCs) and Regional Academic Centre for Space (RAC-S) to select and prepare the proposals.

An individual or group(s) of scientists / faculty members affiliated to any academic institution/autonomous R&D institutions are eligible for submitting the proposals. The Principal Investigator(s) should be a full-time employee(s) of the concerned institution.

Principal Investigator shall be a domain expert in the area to which the proposal belongs to and must be a full time employee/faculty of the institution forwarding the application. There may also be co-investigator(s) from the same/different institution(s) working on the project. But satisfactory completion of a project will be the responsibility of the Principal Investigator and the institution involved.

Proposals shall be submitted online.

The last date for submitting the proposals under "RESPOND Basket 2024" is Jan 31,2025.

The submitted proposal will be subjected to critical evaluation by the ISRO/DOS Centre experts. The proposal will be evaluated on the basis of novelty, methodology, approach, experience of the PI in the subject area, duration of the project, budget etc.

This site belongs to Sponsored Research(RESPOND) at Space Applications Centre (SAC), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
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