The world is witnessing an exponential growth of technology in every domain of life. It is of utmost importance for any organisation to keep itself abreast with the latest and futuristic technical advancements. The research and development is the engine for futuristic technical advancement.
Sponsored Research at SAC is implemented under the umbrella of ISRO Sponsored Research Programme and caters to specific research topics pertaining to SAC activities related to payload development, data processing and applications in the areas of SATCOM, SATNAV Remote Sensing, Data processing, Human Space Programme, and Quantum Frontier. The program is running at SAC with the continuous support of Academic Institutions geographically located throughout India. Esteemed Institutes/Universities like IITs, NITs, IISc, Central Universities, NIAS, VIT, CEPT University, DA-IICT, Nirma University etc. have participated in the Sponsored Research Programme at SAC. The programme at SAC has evolved into a dynamic & responsive face of RESPOND and contributes significantly to ISRO programme on Sponsored Research. The Academia in India having vast and growing network of Universities/Institutes has contributed in many ways to research activities related to Space and has much greater potential for contribution.
With the proactive approach for research solicitation, twentieth Interest Exploration Meetings (IEM) were held at Ahmedabad (2005), Shillong/Patna (2006), Allahabad (2008), Dehradun (2009), Srinagar (2009), Jodhpur (2011), Bhopal (March 2012), Aizawl-Mizoram (July 2012), BISAC, Gandhinagar (January 2014), GTU, Ahmedabad (November 2014), Tamil Nadu (September 2016), Jharkhand (March 2017), Odisha (March 2017), Maharashtra (July 2019), Lucknow(December 2019), Manipur (August 2019), Ahmedabad (September 2019), Kopargaon (September 2021), Mumbai (February 2022), Ahmedabad (April 2022), Kharagpur (March 2023) and Ahmedabad (August 2023). The IEMs resulted in a well-distributed geographical spread of the ongoing Sponsored Research projects in East, North-East, North, North-West, West and Central regions of the country. The ongoing Sponsored Research projects are reviewed at SAC every year along with potential new Sponsored Research proposals. The completed Sponsored Research projects are evaluated post completion and cluster wise impact assessment is also carried out.